B2C product rollouts and creating successful remote teams - learnings from Lauren Treasure, ex-Product Lead x Ancestry, CPO x Chatbooks


18-04-2023 • 36 mins

Lauren Treasure is a consumer product leader who loves to build and develop teams as much as products. She started her career as a researcher and then pivoted to product at Orca Health, a startup focused on building 3D software products to improve the patient experience.

She then joined Ancestry to help build the AncestryDNA product, which grew from 300k to over 10 million customers during her tenure.

In 2018, she joined Chatbooks to build a product organization and help the company scale. She is currently the Chief Product Officer, leading the product development, UX design and research teams who are helping millions of happy Chatbookers print, share and celebrate their everyday memories.

In this episode we are talking about:

  • B2C product development: specificities of the b2c product rollout and criticality of testing with examples from Ancestry and Chatbooks. Falling in love with the problem.
  • Products with long lead times - seeing a long term perspective and keeping the motivation
  • Creating a healthy and successful remote workplace: finding balance between the async and in-sync work. Holding more efficient meetings. Promoting flexibility, yet setting and meeting deadlines.