252 - Lessons from a movie producer on facilitating events with Stoyan Yankov

workshops work

16-01-2024 • 1 hr 8 mins

And, action! This week, Stoyan Yankov takes us on a journey from behind the clapperboard to discuss the fascinating symmetries between movie production and facilitation.

The world of cinema can be unpredictable, filled with plot twists, creative agendas and diverse characters, and when the metaphorical smoke-machine breaks, it requires a sixth sense for when to keep the camera rolling, and when to end scene.

Stoyan joins us with all the learnings, stories and curiosities he’s collected in his back pocket from his career to date - from movie producer, to facilitator and talented TedX speaker. Sit back and enjoy!

Find out about:

  • What a movie producer can teach us about facilitation – from managing a diverse array of personalities, to mastering adaptation, and being vehicles of transformation
  • The best movie productions – and workshops – are often the ones when the producer is most invisible, giving everyone else a platform to feel seen and heard
  • Just like move producers, master facilitators should sense when a tangent is worth pursuing, and when to redirect the conversation
  • Why the early stages of our career are rich playgrounds for learning, growth and experimentation
  • As facilitators, circumstances will always lie beyond our control, but it’s our attitude towards what is within our control, that counts
  • How a 1-hour speech can transform someone’s life, giving them new perspectives to consider

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