282 Bringing Ideas to Life with Legalpreneur's Chief Operating Officer Kayla Bandy

The Legalpreneur Podcast

08-03-2023 • 37 mins

Do you need an operations manager/ best friend for your business? Today on the Legalpreneur, I welcome back our operations manager, Kayla Bandy to chat about her role at the firm. Kayla is the one who brings my ideas to life and makes it all happen! She details what it takes to be an effective operations manager, and how she balances business, friendship, and bowling!

Yes, bowling! Outside of The Legalpreneur, Kayla is a professional bowler and coach. After competing in her first bowling tournament Kayla was scouted for the jr USA team, which propelled her into the national bowling arena. The skills she learned throughout her career have contributed to her success at The Legalpreneur.

Kayla evolved into her role as operations manager after managing the affiliate program. As The Legalpreneur grew, so did our need for an organized operations manager who could uphold the vision of the company. We discuss how small businesses can assess talent in order to develop positions that grow with the strengths of each individual employee. Join us as we discuss the evolution of Kayla and her role at The Legalpreneur!

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] How Kayla made Jr team USA for bowling after her first tournament

[4:00] Earning college bowling player of the year

[5:40] Coaching NCAA bowling program

[8:00] Starting work at The Legalpreneur as the affiliate manager

[10:30] Working with entrepreneurs, while figuring it out herself

[13:40] The integral functions of the operations manager

[20:00] Creating positions around the strengths of employees

[23:35] Learning when to speak up or be quiet

[26:00] Finding a suitable investor is like hiring an employee

[29:00] Celebrating the significant others of every entrepreneur

[32:40] Assessing how you are holding yourself back

[36:00] Tone is everything

To learn more about Kayla, click the links below:

Kayla Bandy Player Profile



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The Legalpreneur Podcast is advertising/marketing material. It is not legal advice. Please consult with your attorney on these topics. Copyright Legalpreneur Inc 2022