288 What To Do If You Get Cancelled

The Legalpreneur Podcast

27-03-2023 • 17 mins

Are you prepared to handle a PR nightmare? In today’s internet culture, your public image is a delicate thing that must be protected and sometimes recovered. Today on The Legalpreneur Podcast, I give you examples of how you can handle a potential PR nightmare and recover from cancellation.

If you have done nothing wrong, I often recommend taking the high road and avoiding public acknowledgment of the attack on you or your business. You must be honest and take responsibility if you have genuinely made a verbal blunder or done something to bring about public scrutiny. Often a genuine apology goes a long way to win back approval.

If you are the target of public defamation, then your strategy will be much more involved. I teach you how to keep your cool and handle the situation professionally. Even when you have done nothing wrong, defamation will damage the image you have built in the public eye, which can cost you business, clients, and opportunities. Having a well-thought-out strategy is vital to the recovery of your good name.

To learn how to effectively handle a PR nightmare, listen now!

Key Takeaways:

[1:20] What it means to be cancelled

[2:10] Local versus a viral cancellation

[5:00] Deciphering if you are legitimately in the wrong

[6:10] How to respond to a personal attack

[9:00] Issuing a genuine apology

[10:40] Avoiding a PR nightmare: what to do and what not to do

[16:35] Women are held to a higher standard

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The Legalpreneur Podcast is advertising/marketing material. It is not legal advice. Please consult with your attorney on these topics. Copyright Legalpreneur Inc 2022