008: Missing – Comfort for Mothers' Day

This Now

31-05-2022 • 36 mins

Although Mothers' Day was back in March here in the UK, for most of the world it was just around the corner when this was recorded.

For our May episode, This Now seeks to offer comfort to those for whom this day is challenging or painful.

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1) Before the day, think about how you're likely to feel

- Then plan to put things in place that will help you with those feelings
- E.g. calming experiences, supportive people, etc.

- Plan to avoid people or situations that will not be healthy for you at this time

- Give yourself permission to opt out of situations, gatherings, etc.

- Have a planned answer if you don't want to talk about things
- E.g.: I'm doing as well as can be under the circumstances - how are things with you?

2) Remember it's absolutely fine to do whatever you need to do to pass the day in a healthy way:

- Spend the day alone, remembering the person you've lost

- Talk to people you trust

- Cry if you need to, either alone or with others

- Meet up with other people who are in the same position as you are

- Do something that you feel honours your experiences

- Do things that make you feel connected to the person you've lost

- Skip the thing altogether!
- Again, give yourself permission to opt out.

3) Remember there's no right or wrong way to handle your pain!

- It is your pain - find what works for you

- Nobody else gets to decide how you should feel

4) Remember it's okay to not be okay!

5) Be kind to yourself

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Here's the Mothers' Day Resources Page.

Here are the slides used in the livestream.

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Here's the This Now Questionnaire.

Here's the Whole Hearted final cover image.

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Here's the livestream on Facebook.

Here's the livestream on YouTube.

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If you have any feedback, please contact me through my Facebook page Ruth Fanshaw, Writer, or email me at ruth@originaltextpublications.com.

You can find out more about me and my work at my website, ruthfanshaw.com.