Ep16: Are you Sabotaging your Success?

The Career Woman's Secret Playbook Podcast - with Dr. Dawn

06-03-2023 • 20 mins

Hello ladies, and Welcome to Episode 16 of The Career Woman’s Secret Playbook Podcast! I’m your host, Dr. Dawn, CEO/Founder of Dr. Dawn ShopTalk and in Today’s episode we’re going to talk about the fact that SOME of you may be sabotaging your success.  In fact this time of year is when we usually DO start to see ALL that motivation and enthusiasm for our New Year’s resolutions start to fade away.  Well, WE can do something about that – let’s not fall victim to thinking, “that’s just the way it goes,” and give up on the goals that we set for ourselves.  We really have a lot more power over our lives than we realize – what we HAVE to do is just unleash that power so that we can truly realize our potential, and here’s something else - I PROMISE you, it IS possible.

Ok Ladies, Let’s Get to It:  If you are getting frustrated with the fact that March is just around the corner and you already feel like you have given up on all the goals you set for the New Year, you are not alone - let’s talk about what we can do about this.

FIRST – let’s start by looking at the different kinds of ways that people can self-sabotage – did you know that according to psychology studies, there are as many as 5 different ways that this can happen. And as I go over these, ask yourself if any of these apply to you: 1)Perfectionism, 2) Procrastination, 3) Negative Self-Talk, 4) Resistant to Change, and 5) Not Enough Self-Care.

TUNE IN to the episode to get the details on each one.  Nowthat we have a much better idea of HOW self-sabotage can show up, let’s look at what we can do about it:

1)    Check-in with Yourself – in other words, boost your self-awareness of when you are ACTUALLY self-sabotaging. 2) Make sure your goals are thrilling – in other words, make sure that they REALLY excite you.  3) Motivation isn’t enough – a close counterpart to making your goals thrilling is to realize that motivation isn’t enough to keep you going. 4) Create action steps for each goal – if you don’t put specific steps in place to reach your goals, then you just won’t get there, no matter what you do. 5) Become your own best friend –  In other words, what is your world view?  What is our lens?  Do you see things as a “glass half-full” or “half-empty?”

Ok ladies, I hope enjoyed stopping in Today for our episode and I look forward to you joining us NEXT time!

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