# 25 - How to build wellness habits AT work!

Surviving to Thriving for Nonprofit Leaders

09-09-2020 • 17 mins

To be confident and composed, you need to be energized, focus, and keep your cool.  You can’t do that on an empty tank! You must learn to recharge throughout your workday to be the most effective leader you can be.

In this episode, I teach you 3 strategies to add wellness habits into your workday! They are easy, ​quick and doable and have a tremendous impact! I promise!

Tune in to learn more!


WEBINAR: Stress management on the fly! https://kathyarcher.lpages.co/monthlywebinar2020-09/ Episode # 24 - Overlooked Leadership Competencies You Need to Pay Attention To! https://www.kathyarcher.com/podcast/24

ABOUT Kathy: Hi, I am Leadership Development Coach Kathy Archer.  I help women leaders ditch survival mode and enjoy impactful leadership! You do that when you:

* Develop your CONFIDENCE * Maintain your COMPOSURE * Lead with INTEGRITY


My Website: kathyarcher.com My book - Mastering Confidence The Training Library Membership Site https://www.kathyarcher.com/library.html Twitter @kathydarcher Instagram @kathydarcher LinkedIn @kathydarcher Facebook: @kathydarcher ​YouTube: @kathydarcher