What's Behind Soul Code Activations and Past Lives with Olivia Brooke

The Change Gang Podcast

29-01-2024 • 35 mins

Olivia Brooke and I had a wonderful conversation this week about expanding the human ability and having access to the superhuman nature of all of us. She speaks wonderfully on reawakening who you are, and the gifts you came into this lifetime to use.

We chat about intuition versus channeling and why the word psychic is sadly not used so easily today.

Olivia is a psychic, healer, and soul code activator. She loves helping women understand and connect to the energetic essence of who they are - their soul truth. She believes accurately connecting to the soul opens up a world of wisdom, understanding and potential and she loves seeing women design a life they love living based on this connection.

You can find Olivia on her website here:

Olivia Brooke

And on her socials right here:

Olivia on Instagram

Olivia on Facebook

Please come join me in the Change Gang Group on Facebook!

Change Gang Group

And I'd love to connect on Instagram, too:

Laura Ordile

Remember to grab some wonderful freebies before you go!

Fun Freebies

OH! And I just put the perfect one out there for those of you that want to sleep better and live happier! It's not on the website yet, so you can get that one right here:

Sleep Better and Live Happier!

Have a happy week! I'll meet you right here same time, next week!
