EP. 60 June Mac - How she came to be talking with Spirit

The Soul led Spirit driven podcast

12-08-2021 • 54 mins

June is a LIBERATO alumni and I've asked June to come and share her journey of how she came to speak with Guides, in hopes that her journey will help you connect the dots with your own Spiritual journey. You can find June here: https://instagram.com/junemac_?utm_medium=copy_link and her group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/enchantresscircle/?ref=share and her community collabz page: https://www.facebook.com/communitycollabz/ you can find me here: https://bit.ly/SoulLedSpiritDriven Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/msKasiaBourke Instagram: www.instagram.com/kasiabourke Online home: www.kasiabourke.com