Rob Mabry, Filmmaker, The Legend of El Chupacabra

Your World of Creativity

22-07-2024 • 23 mins

In this episode, we dive into the world of indie filmmaking with Rob Mabry, discussing his journey, challenges, and triumphs in creating his first feature film, "The Legend of El Chupacabra."

Rob's Website

@thechupacabramovie on Instagram

Rob on YouTube

1. **Blending Horror and Comedy:**

- Rob shares insights on balancing horror and comedy, noting their similar structures of anticipation and payoff.

- "Horror and comedy are about anticipation and payoff... jokes build up tension to a punchline, and horror builds tension to a scare."

2. **Character and Creature Development:**

- Emphasizes the importance of character-driven comedy and using real-life inspirations for character behaviors.

- "Good comedy is built out of character... I take a lot of inspiration from my daily life and the people I interact with."

- Discusses working with creature designer Sergio Gara for the Chupacabra costume, highlighting the blend of creativity and engineering.

3. **Production and Logistical Challenges:**

- Rob describes the complexities of indie filmmaking, from crowdfunding to logistical planning.

- "It's stressful... when you're an independent filmmaker, you're not just wearing the director hat; you're managing logistics, locations, and ensuring everyone is fed."

4. **Distribution Strategy:**

- Rob talks about the evolving landscape of film distribution, particularly for indie films, and the importance of physical media.

- "It's a challenging time for indie filmmakers to surface above the noise and get their film out there... taking advantage of social media is crucial."

5. **Creative Roots and Inspiration:**

- Reflects on his early passion for storytelling, from writing plays and comic books to filming with a Super 8 camera.

- "I was that kid always writing my own comic books, writing plays... and my dad, who owned a Super 8 film camera, let me borrow it once in a while."