Episode 3: Little Snow White - The Grimms' Seventh Edition #53

The Grimms' Fairy Tales and their Afterlives

24-06-2023 • 21 mins

This time, we will have our reader present the Ashliman translation of the 1857 final version of Snow White from the Grimms’ tales. Their source for this tale was Marie Hassenpflug and other sources for variants with which they modified her telling. It was one of the original tales included in the first edition and had already undergone substantial changes by the second edition in 1819. A curiosity is that in German the title indicates a low German origin, but the tale is recorded by the brothers in high German. Several of the changes include the transformation of her envious mother into a stepmother, and the apple being dislodged by a stumbling while carrying her glass coffin, while originally it was knocked out when an angry servant slapped the slumbering princess... But enough about the many variants, let's get to our tale for this episode - number 53, Little Snow White.