Everything you need to know about rare earths with Mike Bevan

Money of Mine

28-06-2024 • 1 hr 35 mins

We had a chat with Mike Bevan, a geo (who runs a cracking YouTube channel at GeoInvest Insights) to get right into the weeds on understanding rare earths from a geologists perspective, as well as some uranium chat.

We picked through hard rock and the clay deposits, the red flags to look for plus the important tricks in the all important metallurgical side of things.

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(0:00:00)Mike Bevan on MoM

(0:03:25)Rare Earths

(0:06:40)Hard rock vs clays

(0:17:57)Red Flags in rare earths


(0:36:56)Downstream rare earth processing


(0:47:46)Boss Energy

(0:52:59)Brazilian Rare Earths

(1:03:50)Will Ionic clays take over carbonitites?


(1:18:14)American Rare Earths

(1:26:19)Red Metal