How To MOVE Through the 3 Stages of Go-To-Market

GTM Made Simple

03-02-2022 • 7 mins

When it comes to go-to-market, there’s 3 stages that companies find themselves in:




But without knowing where you are, you’re going to struggle with where to go next.

On this episode of MOVE: Author’s Cut, Co-authors Sangram Vajre and Bryan Brown, break down these 3 stages and help your business attain the right to become a Platform Market Fit Company.

What we discussed:

  • The 3 stages of go-to-market
  • HubSpot’s journey through the 3 stages
  • How to take your organization to the next level with this framework

This is a #MOVE podcast. Check us out on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or here. Check out and you will find all the templates and scorecards to download for free and even an assessment that will help you find your next MOVE, faster.