Ep. 8 Travel and Sustainability with Shoba Mohan Founder RARE India and Ranjani and Raghavan Founders, RaRaraasta.com

A Sublime Life

Jul 28 2022 • 38 mins

As the world opens up, again, we would like to focus on the issue of sustainable travel. It is no secret that as more people travel it can have both negative and positive impacts on the destination's environment, biodiversity, economic, and social landscape. Joining us in this episode Shoba Mohan, founder of RARE India, and a strong advocate for conscious luxury travel. And Ranjani and Raghavan a travel blogger couple who explore India by road in a journey towards zero waste living and run RaRaraasta.com. We explore what it means for travelers as well as the tourism industry to incorporate that sustainability mindset. These conversations are brought to you by Sublime Life, India's pioneer Clean Beauty curator and REVOLVE, a communication group focusing on sustainability. Give us a shoutout on social media by tagging us on Twitter @RevolveMediaCo @SublimeLife_  @Kubernein or Instagram @sublimelifeofficial and tell us what you’re doing to promote a cleaner & greener lifestyle. Also, don't forget to rate, like and subscribe to A Sublime Life on any of your favorite podcast apps. Thank you for listening.