How do you start an intercultural consulting business?

Intercultural Toolbox

08-11-2021 • 46 mins

Tamara Makoni reveals how she is creating a new intercultural training business.

0.00 Intro

Hello to Tamara and the seeds of a business idea

03.12 The journey into the intercultural field

Interest in culture has deep roots in childhood and the skills for running a business come from a diverse career in multiple fields. Working with intercultural themes before acquiring the interculturalist label.

8.08 Naming the company

A meaningful name Kazuri:

9.47 The elevator pitch

Discover, act, thrive

14.36 Branding an intercultural training business

What do we want people to think when they hear the name Kazuri Consulting?

15.44 Building on a previous career

Bringing skills and experience into the intercultural field

18.18 How to start a business

The mechanics of creating a new company in Belgium

21.42 The company website

Creating a website for an intercultural consulting business

23.41 Team, network and collaborations

Presenting the faces and teams of the company in public. Planning for collaborations.

26.44 Concepts and frameworks

Choosing tools, material and leaving space for customisation and innovation

30.35 Reviewing progress

the entrepreneurial journey and a key milestone at two and a half years

35.15 Purpose

Culture as a source for thriving

36.56 Peer support

Creating a new intercultural business has revealed the generosity of a lot of people

41.37 Tamara Makoni’s contribution to the intercultural toolbox

What is it? That's a good question.

44.08 Contact and connection

Web and other contact details for Tamara Makoni, plus a tip about a professional networking app

Culture Count

Coming up in conversation were Belgium, Zimbabwe, Japan, Kenya, USA, in order of mentions.