How can we develop women leaders to succeed across cultures?

Intercultural Toolbox

24-11-2021 • 27 mins

Viviana Premazzi explains her origins of her work as an interculturalist and the current programme for the development of leadership skills in women

0.00 Welcome

Say hello to Dr Viviana Premazzi

2.38 A programme for women

Is there a discussion about women-only spaces happening in the Mediterranean region?

5.05 Viviana’s journey into intercultural work

Via Brazil, Italy, the United Nations and the USA

12.35 Designing the programme

Goals of the Women’s Leadership Development Programme

14.50 Do women experience cultures differently?

The reality of macho cultures for women in leadership positions

17.33 Delivering leadership training

How should a trainer approach international leadership training taking women’s intercultural needs into account?

19.35 Resources for women leaders

Some recommendations if you are not yet registered for this women’s leadership across cultures dimension

22.10 Viviana Premazzi’s contribution to the Intercultural Toolbox

Something to increase your exposure to the authentic local culture

24.22 What is next for GMD

Plans for the next Women’s Leadership Development programme

26.09 Contacting Dr Viviana Premazzi

She’s easy to find on social media

Culture Count

Coming up in conversation were Italy (four times), Malta (twice) Mediterranean cultures (twice), Afghanistan, Brazil, Italy (north), United Kingdom, in order of mentions.