What makes an intercultural coach?

Intercultural Toolbox

16-11-2021 • 44 mins

Sundae Bean tells the story of her intercultural career and the intercultural coaching approach she recommends


0.00 Intro and Sundae’s story

Her life and move into intercultural work, with no shortcuts arising out of family or institutional connections.

5.18 Current interests

A self-described nerdy social scientist has come up with a new way of presenting the developmental model of intercultural sensitivity. How the messiness of human lives could be reflected better in intercultural models.

9.51 An interculturalist moving into coaching

How the advantages of coaching addressing the whole person balanced the cultural perspective.

13.13 Coaching v training comparison

Learn to say short-term solution-oriented coaching in German. Who is the expert? Who has the goals?

17.43 The skills of the coach

Presence, establishing trust and safety. Helping the client find their own answer.

20.26 The hardest part of becoming a coach

The strength to listen being vulnerable together.

24.20 Discovering potential coaches

The mission of the expat coach coalition is a group of practitioners who have lived it and are willing to partner with clients as a compassionate witness.

27.35 The Expat Coach Coalition

A sisterhood of coaches with a common interest

31.10 What makes an intercultural coach?

The hard work to become an intercultural coach: frameworks plus lived experience outside of your original world view. Growing as a coach. What is the reward of coaching?

39.46 Sundae Bean’s contribution to the Intercultural Toolbox

A rich resource of tools and community for interculturalists

42.43 Contact info

Best ways to reach Sundae and get involved with the Expat Coach Coalition

Culture Count

Coming up in conversation were Switzerland,Burkina Faso, USA, South Africa, in order of mentions.
