How can you be a more mindful interculturalist?

Intercultural Toolbox

27-09-2021 • 1 hr 28 mins

Elaine Teo is an interculturalist who has integrated mindfulness into her coaching and training practice. Listen if you want to experience how she models a mindful moment deployed as part of a corporate training programme.

0.00 Intro and Elaine’s story

Elaine’s story and how she started with Mindfulness.

About the over-concentration on the intellect. In addition to intellect: heart, body, spirit.

How mindfulness equips Elaine to go into training/coaching.

Books and resources (see links on the episode on the webste)

Discovering mindfulness’s effectiveness. Overcoming things which stand in the way of effective intercultural training.

11.47 Business story and personal origins of intercultural thinking

Founding Living Potential International, LPI.

Education at United World College, with Kurt Hahn.

A visceral response arriving in Italy. Catching the intercultural bug. What is the intercultural bug?

18.21 Different approaches to mindfulness

The difference between mindfulness and meditation.

Some recommendations for when to take a mindful moment in our everyday life.

Compassion meditation, gratitude meditation. Radiating out loving kindness.

Secular and religious contemplative practice.

25.17 Resources for interculturalists

Thay, Richie Davidson, Jon Kabat-Zinn and more

29.13 Mindfulness and culture

What is the relationship between mindfulness and culture?

Using mindfulness to deal with cross-cultural stress and other kinds of stress.

“Let’s have a mindful moment”. Introducing mindfulness in an explicit way in intercultural training.

35.29 A mindful moment with Elaine

Simulating an implicit mindfulness moment in a corporate setting.

40.57 Introducing mindfulness in organisations

Recognising an opportunity to introduce mindfulness

Discovering the appetite for mindfulness. Basing it on your usual diagnostics.

The power of the pause. What mindful trainers do differently from other good trainers.

Dealing with sceptics.

43.15 Explicit mindfulness

Named, explicit, mindfulness or meditation sessions in a corporate environment

At least two scenarios for doing mindfulness sessions.

49.19 Starting mindfulness with people and processes

Which intercultural process and which individual clients could be a good place to start?

The ethics of mindfulness. It is powerful stuff. Handle with care!

The short-lived nature of our thoughts and emotions. Refactory periods.

1.01.35 Benefits and biases

The professional benefits of mindfulness as an interculturalist

Recognising and escaping biases. Releasing clients from the pressure to solve problems instantly.

1.13.30 Elaine Teo’s contribution to the Intercultural Toolbox


1.19.29 Contacts and events

Email contact and the Wine and Mind concept

User-friendly contemplative practice. Controversial in certain circles.

Culture Count

Coming up in conversation were: Singapore and Singapore Chinese, France, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vietnam, in order of mentions.
