Unblock, Unlock, and Recover Your Creative Energy


04-12-2022 • 1 hr 3 mins

This episode is for you if you feel creatively blocked, if you are fatigued, hormones out of balance, and burned out, if you feel compelled to create something, if you know you've got a book/painting/solution/invention within you, if this episode found you  . . .

Welcome, love, to the most empowering episode of Inlightin yet.

Let's begin with a truth you've forgotten:

Your creative energy is your power, your God given power, your life force. Even if you've supressed, repressed, or forgotten: this spark is never gone.

This episode will invite you to deep transformation and awakening through these explorations:

  • What is creative energy/life force?
  • The Artist Way, by Julia Cameron (if you take one thing away, buy this and get started today)
  • Healing the God Wound
  • Journaling/Morning Pages
  • Recovering adrenals + from adrenal fatigue
  • Energetic Debt
  • "I am willing to experience my creative energy." -your new bff of a mantra
  • The "I'm too much" wound
  • Self sabatoge  + secondary benefits
  • Negative beliefs
  • Protecting from crazymakers
  • Footwork
  • Batsignal (grounded action + energetic investment)
  • Batchwork
  • Confidence + Trust