158. Starting Over: 3 Game-Changing Things I wish I had done 11 years Ago

Crickets to Cha-Chings

31-07-2023 • 38 mins

It’s great to be back and talk about all things Etsy and e-commerce with you (and thanks for so many DMs about last week's episode!)

This week is all about what we would do differently if we could go back in time and start our Etsy businesses all over again -- and there's a laundry list of things that I would do differently.

When I first started on Etsy back in 2012, the internet was a vastly different landscape. I was completely lost and trying to figure everything out all on my own. I didn't have a clear vision of building an e-commerce brand or anything like that, I was simply trying to keep up with the daily grind. If I knew then what I know now, I would have definitely taken a step back and taken a more strategic, long-term approach.

Speaking of which, I’m excited to share some insights with you on how to think beyond the immediate and plan for the future in regards to your e-commerce brand.

It’s essential to consider what matters to you and your vision for your business beyond the day-to-day tasks. Don't feel pressured to follow someone else's version of success or strive for massive financial gains. It’s all about making intentional decisions that align with your goals and values.

In this episode, we've got some fantastic tips and advice to help you grow your small e-commerce business into something amazing, by taking a thoughtful and long-term approach. By the end of this episode, my hope is that it inspires you to look beyond putting out the everyday fires in your business, and instead take an approach that sets you up for succcess a month from now, a year from now, and 10 years from now.

So, grab your cup of coffee or tea, sit back and get ready to become an e-commerce entrepreneur extraordinaire!

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