Episode 9: Let's Talk FinCrime and the Digital Underground

Let's Talk FinCrime

16-06-2021 • 47 mins

What happens on the dark side of the internet? In this episode, we’ll talk with expert financial crime fighter and founder and CEO of Q6 Cyber, Eli Dominitz. Listen in as Eli shares who operates in the digital underground, how we can monitor this activity and how to keep yourself safe.

Eli Dominitz is the founder and CEO of Q6 Cyber, an e-crime intelligence company based in the USA and Israel. Through a combination of proprietary technology and human analysts, Q6 monitors the “Digital Underground" (DarkWeb, DeepWeb, malware networks and infrastructure) to collect targeted and actionable e-crime intelligence used to proactively eliminate fraud, data breaches, and other electronic crimes. Prior to Q6 Cyber, Mr. Dominitz co-founded another cybersecurity company focused on vendor risk management. Mr. Dominitz holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and an Honors B.Sc. in computer science from York University.

You can hear more of our conversation with Eli by visiting actimize.nice.com/podcast