Episode 2: Let's Talk FinCrime and the Psychology of Fraud

Let's Talk FinCrime

10-02-2021 • 28 mins

In this episode of NICE Actimize's Let's Talk FinCrime podcast, we'll talk to Dr. Matthew Goldberg. As a scientist, Dr. Goldberg has been investigating what people believe, why they believe it, and what influences people’s beliefs and behavior. Issues of persuasion and communication are not just of interest to social scientists, but also to businesses, nonprofits, and public figures. To this end, Dr. Goldberg co-founded XandY Analytics so he and his team could design and deliver custom research solutions.

Listen in as we apply his research to common financial crime fraud schemes- and why these schemes are so often successful.

You can hear more of our conversation with Dr. Goldberg by visiting actimize.nice.com/podcast

To get in touch with Dr. Goldberg, contact him at xandy.analytics@gmail.com