163 - Branding is Remembering - with Stacy Madison of Stacy’s Pita Chips

Elaine's Kitchen Table | Create Better Family, Health, Business, Self

02-10-2023 • 48 mins

Stacy Madison grew her "accidental business", Stacy's Pita Chips, from $19,000 in annual sales to $65 million before being purchased by PepsiCo. She did it without an "exit strategy", just a customer-first strategy, and she is so very generous with sharing her story, experience and expertise.

I met Stacy when selected as one of 4 inaugural Canadian winners of the "Stacy's Rise Project". She continues to give back through this project, and has not surprisingly launched 2 new businesses since selling Stacy's. This is a MUST LISTEN for any aspiring or seasoned entrepreneur!

Show Notes: https://elaineskitchentable.com/163

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