Encore Episode: Top 3 Small Business Mistakes to Avoid

This Is Small Business

18-06-2024 • 12 mins

Wondering how to navigate common entrepreneurial pitfalls and ensure the success of your business? Just ask Christina Wallace, senior lecturer at Harvard Business School, who’s going to tell us the top three mistakes (or lessons learned as Christina calls them) early stage entrepreneurs make and how you can avoid them.

In this episode you’ll hear:

(01:18) Why you shouldn't do everything yourself. Christina recommends ways to overcome the entrepreneurial urge to do it all.

(04:32) Why cash flow is important and the consequences of ignoring it.

(06:11) How to manage your cash flow by putting liquidity in place before you need it, keeping an eye on any lumpy cash flow throughout the year, and being creative.

(07:41) How to avoid scaling prematurely.