Private players in India do not spend enough on Research and Development. India’s in-house industry R&D spending is a mere 36.4 per cent of India’s gross expenditure on R&D, compared to 77 per cent in China and 75 per cent in the US. This underinvestment limits India’s innovation capacity and, consequently, growth potential. In this episode, Suman Joshi and Sarthak Pradhan discuss the key policy impediments that hinder technological upgrades and innovation for Indian firms. Additionally, they explore potential solutions to address these challenges.
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All Things Policy is a daily podcast on public policy brought to you by the Takshashila Institution, Bengaluru. The Takshashila Institution has designed the 'Technopolitik: A Technology Geopolitics Survey' to understand and assess what people think about how India should navigate high-tech geopolitics. Please take this 5-minute survey at the following link: Find out more on our research and other work here: Check out our public policy courses here: