[Solo Sesh] What No One Tells You About Leveling Up

The Embodied Baddie Podcast

26-07-2023 • 19 mins

Are you feeling fear creep in as you level up in your life or career? Are you experiencing bumps along the road just as you’ve reached your latest successful milestone?

You’re not alone, as Chrystal attests by sharing insights from her own leveling-up journey. The universe is not messing with you or testing you, it’s bringing up your qualifiers as you head toward the next stop on your journey. As any hero’s arch has shown us, there are obstacles that come up that shape you in ways necessary to become who you need to be and get you where you want to go. It’s a matter of identifying energy leaks and cleaning them up as you continue toward your goal so that you can know where to place your boundaries. It’s going to be uncomfortable and that’s OK.

Like a kid that’s growing into your older sibling’s hand-me-downs, you are growing into who you are meant to be. Allow yourself to revel in the juiciness of your growth and celebrate all your wins along the way.


• “​​Bad Boy Entertainment wasn't wrong when they said ‘Mo Money, Mo Problems.’” (3:03 | Chrystal)

• “It's a qualification for the next level. Do you really want to be here, do really want to move into this? So as we start moving into this new level, this contraction comes up, and it shows us where our energy leaks are, it shows us what we need to work on to be here to qualify for this space.” (5:30 | Chrystal)

• “It's scary. It's definitely emotional. What I'm having to do is root really deeply in my safety and remind myself that I am safe to receive, to make money and run a business, to do what I do best and keep doing it. I am safe to hire, to invest, to spend. And it's okay that I'm scared.” (10:31 | Chrystal)

• “Inevitably, you're going to level up again. But give it the space it deserves. Give it the time to really root into it and feel. Let the juiciness of being where you've worked so hard to get to, instead of just looking towards that next goal, let yourself be here, let yourself celebrate it..” (13:35 | Chrystal)

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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

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