Being polite or nice can be a way to be civil and courteous but also a way to avoid real engagement or confrontation. It can be a way to avoid conflict, because it's easier sometimes not to face the situation in front of us. I know that's how I avoided painful situations in the past. Now, I still don't engage in conflict very much, but it's not out of fear, it's more in a "pick your battles" kind of way. I just decide when or not to engage in it. That is very different from avoiding conflict altogether or accepting other people's behavior without ever standing up for yourself. I don't want to talk about that type of culturally accepted politeness that’s a superficial way of being nice or courteous. I want to talk about the type of "being too nice" that affects you in a negative way, in your life and at work or in your business. Being too nice is the kind of attitude that makes you say "yes" to something you don't want to do, that makes you accept disrespect from others and that makes you put your own needs and beliefs aside in order to make someone else happy. The kind that makes a pushover out of you. That's the kind I’m talking about. Do you feel addressed? Then this episode may be useful for you!
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