Jessica Lujan is a Trial Attorney at Gomez Trial Attorneys, where she focuses on catastrophic personal injuries, premises liability, ADA enforcement, and wrongful death cases. She has experience litigating personal injury matters for victims and insurance defendants in state and federal court. Passionate about supporting diversity efforts in the San Diego legal community, Jessica is a member of the Consumer Attorneys Association of San Diego, the La Raza Lawyers Association, and the American Association of Justice, among other notable organizations.
The Hispanic population is the fastest-growing demographic in the country, yet Latinos are vastly underrepresented as lawyers. Integrating cultural roots into a legal career can pose unique challenges. How can you navigate the complexity of two worlds, merging identity and passion to cultivate change?
Growing up on the border of Ciudad Juárez and El Pasa, Texas, Jessica Lujan and her family made a desperate escape across the border to start a new life. Having to navigate a new environment as a young child without fully grasping the magnitude of her reality, Jessica now recognizes how familial bonds, traditional Hispanic values, and a strong sense of justice shaped her legal journey. As a nationally recognized trial lawyer and influential Latina leader, Jessica advocates for equal representation through organizations that promote Latinos in leadership positions.
Listen to this episode of The Lawtino™ as John Gomez hosts Jessica Lujan, a Trial Attorney at Gomez Trial Attorneys, to talk about her path to becoming an esteemed advocate for Latino lawyers. Jessica shares personal anecdotes from her childhood, discusses systemic oppression, and highlights the importance of Latino representation in the legal field to ensure a fair justice system.