Ep 71: How She Turned a $5K Bargain Website Into $50,000 Per Year in Semi-Passive Income

Digital Investors

24-11-2023 • 24 mins

How would it feel to drive out of your driveway in your brand-new four-wheel drive and caravan on the trip of a lifetime?

Imagine doing a lap around Australia with no deadlines and no end date. You’ve rented out your house, and quit your corporate job. There’s no more nine to five, and you’ve got semi-passive income coming in from your website.

That's what our guest, Annette, has done and today you’ll hear exactly how she has done it, what her journey was like, and what challenges she faced along the way, including how she found a $5K bargain website and turned it into $50,000 per year in semi-passive income.

Tune in to hear how she did it, then register for our upcoming masterclass to learn the digital skills that started it all for her at: https://www.ebusinessinstitute.com.au/dip