Empowering Women in the Corporate World with Mary Lou Barney


12-06-2024 • 49 mins

Mary Lou Barney, or ML, is the head of account sales for the Americas at Zappi, and a full-time caregiver for her elderly mother.

Mary Lou helps companies conduct rapid, cost-effective research, collaborating with major brands to ensure their products and advertising meet consumer needs. She joined Zappi during the pandemic, drawn by its mission to streamline the research process.

She stresses the importance of allyship and recognition of women's contributions. She shares her experience of having an idea initially dismissed but later implemented, highlighting the need for women to advocate for themselves.

Reflecting on her career and personal life, Mary Lou advises younger women to be bold, strategic, and pursue their goals confidently. Her story is a testament to persistence and self-advocacy in overcoming biases and achieving success.

Get in touch with ML:


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