What Happens When the Agile People Leave w Jesse Fewell

Agile and Project Management - DrunkenPM Radio

01-09-2023 • 47 mins

Times are weird in the land of Agile. More and more big companies are letting go of the people they’ve brought on to help them adopt agile practices, or replacing their Scrum Masters with Technical Program Managers, or creating a homegrown version of Agile by taking an established framework and bailing on the practices they don’t like. Is this just business accepting that what they’ve been trying to do for the past 10+ years was just too hard, have they achieved a level of agility that they are happy with, or have they decided to place different bets on what it will take to carry them into the future? In this episode of the podcast, Jesse Fewell joins me to explore different ideas about what is happening, why it is happening, and what this means for people who’ve spent years trying to establish a career in agile.  The conversation came about as a result of a post Jesse made on LinkedIn. He’s doing research on the topic and I asked him to join me to talk through some of the ideas. If you have stories to share, he’d love to hear from you. You can find his original LinkedIn post here: https://bit.ly/3EjRUf9 Towards the end of the podcast we also discuss a question that came up in one of my CSM/CSPO Lean Coffees: If you are hired as a Scrum Master into a mostly waterfall organization that still has traditional project managers, and the engineers are trying to treat you like a secretary, how do you establish your role and the value you can provide? Contacting Jesse Untapped Agility on Amazon: https://bit.ly/3PnjPBr Untapped Agility Website: https://untappedagility.com/ Jesse’s Site: https://jessefewell.com Jesse’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@JesseFewell LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessefewell/ Email: jesse@fewellinnovation.com