Episode. 46: Gun Control

The Path of Socrates

18-08-2021 • 1 hr 25 mins

Regardless of political persuasion, almost everybody would agree that we all have a right to defend ourselves. Yet how is the average person supposed to do this, if he or she is not allowed to own the most effective means of personal defense there is: a gun. For example: is an older woman supposed to try to become a martial arts expert in order to ward off one or more assailants, who are no doubt much stronger than she is? This displays a lack of sound reasoning on the part ofthose who on the one hand say we should be allowed to defend ourselves, but who on the other hand, wish to take away our means of doing so effectively.

The issue of “Gun Control” and of how to interpret the Second Amendment is one of the political “hot potatoes” of  our times. In this  episode, I “cut the Gordian Knot”, so to speak, and take a direct, yet rather unorthodox approach to the issue. But make no mistake – the views I express are based both on the rights of the individual, as well as sound, and ethical, reasoning.

"The Path of Socrates", with David Earl Bolton

My Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/David-Bolton/e/B009KWHHPA

Personal Author Website: http://www.dboltoncreations.com

My Music Channel (“The Digital Harpsichordist”): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcq0F1gDyqBl2yZpvFGciqA