WHO declares India hiding crucial COVID19 information from rest of the world

The Daily Vanilla

20-04-2021 • 7 mins

In an unprecedented move, the World Health Organisation has demanded answers from one of its member countries. The WHO which is known to be soft on major players within the organisation has now openly come out and demanded explanations from India, one of the largest vaccine suppliers in the world.
Despite international pressure, the WHO has remained soft on China, the country that many within the international community believe to have artificially engineered the virus that has cost over 3 million deaths worldwide. The dummy investigation team and the carefully choreographed site visit had irked the member nations who have accused the WHO of being biased due to the economic muscle that China flexes whenever it suits their needs.
Another instance of the WHO remaining indifferent was with the USA and its appalling handling of the pandemic during the first wave of the virus. They seemed to be preoccupied by trying to make sense of what was happening by putting out contradicting statements every week. This prompted many countries to take matters into their own hands and rely on the medical experts within their countries to pull them out of the situation they found themselves in.
However, the WHO raised eyebrows this week by openly declaring that one of its biggest supporters, India, was holding back information that could lead to the eradication of the pandemic worldwide.
Read the full article at - https://thedailyvanilla.com/2021/04/20/who-declares-india-hiding-crucial-covid19-information-from-rest-of-the-world/