Re97: Recap of BFS (BEST-FIRST-SEARCH Part 15, AIMA4e pp. 73–74)


28-12-2022 • 35 mins

A summary of how the AIMA-Python implementation of BFS works and what it took to learn it.

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Details: overview; Re82 formal problems, Re84 nodes, Re90 problem implementation, Re95 final execution; the len call, and straight-line distances vs. road distances; the program running, and source.
Complete notes and video at:

Air date: Tuesday, 27th Dec. 2022, 10 : 00 PM Eastern/US.

0:00:00 overview;

0:05:02 Re82 formal problems, Re84 nodes, Re90 problem implementation, Re95 final execution;

0:08:22 the len call, and straight-line distances vs. road distances;

0:14:34 the program running, and source.

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