Codger Travel Trips

Camp Codger

22-11-2023 • 29 mins

Codger travel trips and vacation adventures abound as the hosts of the Camp Codger podcast return from their travels.

Vacation travel and adventures pulled all three of the Camp Codger hosts from homes simultaneously. Jet-setter Randy Schultz spent several days in Rome and then embarked on a long cruise across the Atlantic with his wife Patti. Richard Kipling managed to survive a 43-day-long road trip in a small travel trailer as he and Alison toured the Midwest and the Washington, DC area. And Gary Ebersole's travels to New England with Bee went without a hitch. (Well, almost).

On this episode of the Camp Codger Podcast, the three hosts tell their favorite stories about their vacation adventures. A short summary is below, but listen to the entire episode to hear all of the wonderful stories.

Vacation Adventure #1: Cruising the High Seas

Randy logged the most miles on his latest trip. He and his wife flew to Rome, Italy, and toured the city for four days. Rome might be the most important city in the Western world in terms of history and centuries-long influence. Four days was only enough time to scratch the historical surface.

Randy and Patti took a subterranean tour of the historical Colosseum and saw where the lions and tigers were kept before their battles with Rome's gladiators. (Note: Did you know that there was a human-powered underground elevator that brought up the wild animals to the Colosseum floor? This wooden elevator has been recreated for tourists to see.)

After their quick tour of Rome, Randy and Patti boarded the Royal Caribbean Odyssey of the Seas cruise ship. Listen to the podcast episode (click on the "play" triangle above) to hear all about that adventure.

Codger Travel Trip #2: Grizzly Bears Everywhere

Richard and Alison had a completely different type of trip. They went on a 43-day road trip through the United States. Yes, you read that right. 43 days! As you might imagine, Richard brought back lots of funny and amazing stories from this adventure. Devil's Tower National Monument in northwestern Wyoming was particularly memorable. Yes, the Tower itself was stunning. (Devil's Tower played an important role in the Close Encounters of the Third Kind movie.)

But Richard's funniest story about Devil's Tower is about grizzly bears. Relax, he didn't actually see a grizzly. But the many warning signs about the presence of grizzlies really freaked him out!

Senior Travel Trip #3: Abandoned in Boston

Unlike the vacation adventures describe above, Gary and Bee's codger travel trip was focused on visiting people, not places. Gary experienced the joys of visiting Bee's East Coast relatives. And there are A LOT of Bee's family members to visit. (Hear Gary's funny stories on the podcast episode.)

On his trip, Gary enjoyed his visit to Acadia National Park in Maine. This park is "the crown jewel of the North Atlantic Coast" according to the National Park Service website, and Gary says it's well worth a visit.

Please click on the "Play Episode" triangle above to hear all about the Codger Travel Trips! Then leave a comment if you enjoy this episode! If you're a fan of Camp Codger, please tell a friend!

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