Introducing Tomorrow People

Tomorrow People

05-04-2019 • 1 min

A brand new podcast about building a better tomorrow, today. We want to invite you on a journey throughout Europe, in search of people who work tirelessly for a better, sustainable future.

Find out all about it on

This season's guests:

  • Ann Plas, Mobility Policy Advisor City of Ghent
    Mikael Colville-Andersen, Founder of Copenhagenize
    Horace Dediu, Analyst & podcast host
  • Cherie Birkner, Founder of Sustainable Fashion Matterz
    Soraya Wancour, Fashion Designer at Studio AMA
    Enrica Arena, CMO & Co-Founder of Orange Fiber
  • Zjef Van Acker, Vertical farmer
    Esther Wienese, Rotterdam city guide & author
  • Ton Harmes, Bookshop Director
    Terry Biddington, Dean of Spiritual Life
    Frithjof Timm, Esther Hirsch & Osman Örs, Theological Advisors
  • Geert Dekleermaeker, SmartShip CEO
    Paul Steinbrück, Coordinator Pool is Cool
    Morten Kabell, Former Mayor of Coperhagen
    Anne Witteveen, Urban Designer
  • Katy Lee, Journalist/Podcaster
    Toomas Tirs, Estonian Ambassador
    Marko Modiano, Linguist