Perplexed Tone (Galatians 4:20)

Wrestling with Theology

12-07-2024 • 1 min

"I wish I could be present with you now and change my tone, for I am perplexed about you" (Galatians 4:20).

Paul was perplexed by all the problems the Galatians were bringing upon themselves. He wished that he weren't perplexed, but he couldn't help himself. They were foolishly turning away from the true Gospel toward one that is not the Gospel.

Unfortunately, today there are still people who turn from the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a "social gospel" where the neighbor or the cause replaces Jesus as the central focus of the Church. The Church is all about proclaiming Jesus dead, buried and resurrected for the forgiveness of sins. The Church is not about changing society. The Church is not about changing itself to be like the society. The Church is about changing the soul of sinners so that they may be cleansed by God.

Paul would still be perplexed by what passes for Christianity in many American churches. He would adopt the same tone. But he would also proclaim the true Gospel of the forgiveness of sins being the greatest proclamation the Church has today and any day. Amen.