What is a Career in HR Like? In Conversation with an HR Consultancy Business Owner

The Career Discovery Podcast

29-03-2023 • 1 hr 8 mins

On the show today we meet Karen! Karen works as a Human Resources (HR) Consultancy Business Owner in the UK.

Karen kindly shares with us...

Area of expertise (3:00)

  • Common misconceptions of the HR role
  • An overview of the HR industry and typical roles within an HR department
  • The purpose of the HR role
  • What an HR consultancy business owner does on an average day
  • Most enjoyable parts of the role
  • Challenging parts of the role
  • Proudest moments in the role

Career journey (19:48)

  • How Karen became an HR consultancy business owner from aspiring Pan’s People dancer & PE teacher
  • Highs of the career journey
  • Challenges of the career journey
  • Proudest moments of the career journey
  • Importance of role models and mentors

Advice (51:14)

  • Helpful education, training and skills for aspiring HR professionals
  • The future of the HR profession
  • Advice and resources for people who are keen to find out more about a career in HR:
  • Advice for her younger self and you!

Other resources:

We also talk about:

  • The advantage of surrounding yourself with positive people
  • The benefit of transferable and in-demand skills
  • The value of getting a foot in the door and learning on the job
  • The power of humility, curiosity and continuous learning
  • The importance of believing in yourself
  • Getting out of your comfort zone

So if you’re curious and wondering what an HR professional does or how to become an HR professional, listen, watch and enjoy!

→ Show notes

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