Hour 1

Turning Hard Times into Good Times

15-02-2011 • 58 mins

David Morgan and John Rubino will help us understand why a collapse of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is inevitable and why current policies not only ensure its collapse but guarantee the depression, whether of a hyper inflationary or deflationary variety, will be all the worse because of current policies. We will review John’s book, The Coming Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It.” That book, which was co-authored with James Turk in 2004, illustrates how using an Austrian economic model, all the horrors of 2008-2009 could have been and indeed were predicted. We will also explore ways to profit from a predictable future. Part of the solution is in owning gold and silver. But which of those two metals might profit you more? Dave Morgan, who is definitely one of the most knowledge people in the world when it comes to the silver markets, will opine.