Ep.127: Feeling A Bit Complete

Jones’n 2 Branch Out

07-10-2022 • 45 mins

This has been the most isolated "staycation" weekend we've had but man was it draining for 48 Hours. First we took a road trip for a funeral service and linked up with west coast family. At one point in the trip Ryan finally had part heart to heart with his father that provided some solidarity for him. Opening up like he came from therapy this weekend, speaking of...one of us takes up therapy and come to find out that Get what you Give in sessions. We close out talking about seeing old friends or classmates out in public.... somebody wants to be in public with the FuckItz... Lets Get into it.


01:48 - Intro

4:34 - Branch Binging:
Hocus Pocus 2 Review
Movie Trailer Talk- Black Panther 2, Mario, Barney Documentary

18:54 - Weekend Shenanigans

30:02 - First Therapy Sessions

37:18 - The Shade Given to Old Friends.

Forgot to Edit and Upload previous episode but we'll be back to the routine next week.

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