Just Talk Like a Real Person | Colleen Chulis

Reclaiming Sales

31-05-2021 • 27 mins

You may have met Colleen for the first time a few months ago when her daughter shared a blistering impression of every working parent over the last 15 months, so I couldn't help but invite her on the show to talk a little about her experience in sales. Since 2018 she's been at SAP and is currently the Regional Vice President of Sales for Regulated Industries in North America. What I love most about Colleen is her authenticity. Being transparent in a sales job can be incredibly difficult, but is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal. If you can find a way talk to your grandpa about your product or service, you can pitch it to your prospect without setting off the smarmy-alarm. Find her here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/colleen-chulis/ Please leave us a review or join the mailing list so you don't miss a thing.