Dating Advise

Growth and Goals Podcast

07-11-2023 • 23 mins

Dating in your late 20's is ROUGH! But I put together a list of advise that will hopefully help you navigate dating and find the person for you. So, if you're a girl with all the apps, feeling like you're endlessly swiping, looking for love then this episode is for you!

In this episode I discuss:

  • Know what you want, become what you want, attract what you want. It's MANifistation 101
  • Set expectations early on because the second you lower the bar or let something slide you have set a precedence
  • Dating is a numbers game, just remember that every bad date, person that ghosts you, missed connection, etc. is getting you one step closer to finding someone
  • If I feel the need to go through someone's phone then I don't need to be in that relationship. You deserve someone who makes you feel safe and secure not anxious
  • I'm pro ghost. If we have been on less than 3 dates I don't owe you an explanation and quite frankly I don't want a paragraph of why you don't like me when you barely even know me. The silence is the response.
  • If you don't know where you stand, go stand somewhere else. I don't know about you but I am not looking to be in a situationship, either you want to be with me or you don't. Make me question that and you'll find yourself asking where I went.
  • Lastly, there is no timeline, who you choose as your life partner is arguably the most important decision you will make so take your time and choose wisely

I am by no means a relationship expert, clearly because I am out here in the streets haha, but as someone who is also in the trenches I wanted to share with you what I have learned so far. Dating can be hard just remind yourself that you are worthy of someone amazing, they are out there waiting and praying for you, don't loose hope and never settle, ladies.

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