#AfricaInFocus Sex Education Curriculum in Zambia Under Review After Rejection

Meeting of Minds

13-07-2021 • 24 mins

In September 2020, the Zambian public became aware of the plan by the government to introduce a Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum from grade 5 to 12 in all Zambian schools. As soon as the news became known, there was a widespread call, led by the church and traditional leaders to do away with the subject.

The plan by the government came after an alarming news story that estimated that over 1,700 school-going girls in the Eastern part of Zambia became pregnant between January and September 2020.

Our staff writer Fiske Niyirongo talked to community health professor Joseph Mumba Zulu, as well as Violet Mwaba and Magomero Chisenga two teachers who have engaged with the subject. National Action for Quality Education in Zambia (NAQEZ) Executive Director, Aaron Chansa, also gave a brief statement.