Productizing Ayurveda with global ambitions | Param Bhargava @ The Ayurveda Company

Founder Thesis

05-02-2024 • 1 hr 33 mins

From personal skin allergy woes to pioneering India's first Ayurvedic start-up securing seed funding from industry leaders, The Ayurveda Company is bridging ancient wisdom with contemporary health to provide Ayurveda as a lifestyle choice. Param talks about the journey of discovering product- market fit and taking the brand from zero to one, and then from one to hundred.

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Read more about The Ayurveda Company:-

1.How The Ayurveda Co is bringing high quality, affordable ayurvedic solutions to the masses

2.Rapid fire with param bhargava, co-founder of the ayurveda company

3.How The Ayurveda Co carving a distinct path in the Ayurveda wellness landscape

4.Learning, wisdom and experience: How an ayurveda startup from India is winning on the global front