How Shiv Parekh is disrupting commercial real estate investing | hBits

Founder Thesis

Mar 25 2024 • 1 hr 1 min

We are a constantly evolving species, from discovering fire to inventing the wheel to now inventing AI - humanity is on a relentless path of progress.

And while each new technology may have a different flavour to it, the one broad outcome that remains constant is that we are constantly reducing barriers to access. Be it access to education or access to jobs or access to investment opportunities.

Today, thanks to platforms like hbits, you can access a real estate asset worth hundreds of millions  of rupees through fractional ownership.

In this deep dive into the new era of real estate investing, your host Akshay Datt speaks to Shiv Parekh - the founder and CEO of hBits.

Stay tuned for a knowledge filled episode of the founder thesis podcast to understand how the business of real estate investments is getting disrupted by nimble tech-enabled startups.