Activate Your Full Potential. Channeling from Arcturianous DIVINE HEART UNION PODCAST

Channeling Universe PODCAST

09-02-2023 • 13 mins

a sacred union with your heart... guided meditation to help you connect with your divine spiritual heart. Channeling from Arcturianous with quantum healing to explore the most beautiful journey for yourself with Galactic, Infinite Universal Light Family. Within. Guidance in this channeled messages from Arcturianous for upcoming weeks presents to us also a new way of seeking, and knowing how to be in support of a new way in New Earth; a new paradigm for seekers source within the world I am.

Joy to share this phenomenal New Earth energetic coherent moments with you beautiful Lights. Love Peace  Alexandra

#newearth #within #channeling #infinitepotential #divineheartactivation #seeders