Channeling Universe PODCAST

Alexandra Tabaczynska

Arcturians Energy Transmission, healing meditations, Arcturianous channeled guideline for Starseeds, lightworkers. Arcturian, as we know are the first Star Beings, StarSeeders for Humans, who are very caring, nurturing, and supportive of the human race, they are also here on Earth to support individual path of ascension, personal growth for StarSeed, and much more…. Alexandra Tabaczynska is a vessel of Arcturianus Walk-in, KRYON Channel, Channeller of Mary & Yeshua, Galactic Family in New Earth Frequency of Golden Light Rays, working closely with Star Light Family read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Spiritual support for lightworkers. Circle of love | Podcast | Starseed awakening
Spiritual support for lightworkers. Circle of love | Podcast | Starseed awakening
Homestead. imagine self. dearest beloved for last time when we were here, that's how we started our last circle of love, from pre-historic times, pyramids, ancient sides to moment ago when human was born. There source mind within golden heart. with our benevolent Star Light family gathered together within the lighted hearts. Ancient teachers, it is us in you, that we learning together. within. without. dreaming big in humble heart for selves. moments. Dearly loved we are, dearly loved however it is you who decide which path to choose. What Arcturianous was transferring yesterday in our gathering a soulful talk about billion years of history Arcturian history on earth, our ancestors where here, in the vulcanic first earth which collapsed under the ashes coming from eruption. It didn't stop them to love humans (before that even we were on Source mind )))) it was just a phase of evolutionary steps toward future.  Nowadays we are remembering through many channels that all in planting is, in nows, that within in metaphorical heart Source awakening selves with Star Light Family. that after all. after with all those magnificent times which we were living back then (old souls) we now have the privilege to be, rebirthing ITself in.... Home. stead. LOVE YOU so very much, hope you are making a list for the next decade. what a marvelously organized Universe is. LOVE Alexandra & Team the audio (excerpt) is from our gathering, circle of love 03.11.2022 join our next gatherings Circle of love, support for lightworkers #arcturianhealing #starseed #seeders #spiritual #awakening #quantumhealing #starfamily #spiritualsupport #podcast #ascension #newearth