The Massimo Show

Rod Santomassimo

Over the last 10 plus years, the Massimo Group has had the privilege of working with thousands of professional entrepreneurs and solopreneurs most of whom wish to attain either more margin in their life or financial margin in their future. More money and less time. The objective of the Massimo Show is not only to provide insights from top producers across the globe, but also to share personal and professional success trends from authors, thought leaders, and the like. Ideas to help you grow your personal practice. Welcome to The Massimo Show. read less


E 93: Ron Koenigsberg - Power Broker: How to Succeed In Life And Business
E 93: Ron Koenigsberg - Power Broker: How to Succeed In Life And Business
On this episode of the Massimo Show Rod sits down with Ron Koenigsberg, Founder & President at American Investment Properties, a successful Long Island Broker with 30 years experience in the commercial real estate brokerage industry.   As Ron recalled the pathway to his start in commercial real estate he stated that he “[wished] everything was a straight path… but there are lessons to be learned that are probably never in a straight path, and you certainly have to have a little bit of resilience along the way.”  Ron describes his journey from growing up in Long Island and watching his father survey buildings and construction sites, through his time in college, first jobs, and the eventual decision to establish his own firm, American Investment Properties.  Rod goes on to ask Ron what’s the one common thread that allowed him to not only succeed, but thrive during the market cycles over the years? Ron responded that he attributes his success to two factors, his call counts and his coaching from The Massimo Group.  Ron recounts a time in his career when he was scared, he was making a lot of calls, but business had come to a halt. After seeing an advertisement for The Massimo Group, Ron encountered James Nelson and asked him if The Massimo Group was really worth it, since it was expensive!  Ron was a successful broker, “but [he didn’t] know what [he didn’t] know.” After 10 years with The Massimo Group, Ron stated that “It changed my life. Within five years, I went from really losing money or just getting by to… Broker of The Year… and I won the MVP (The Massimo Group’s Most Valuable Producer award) bat on the back of my book.” Rod then goes on to ask Ron what the foundations to his success are? Ron immediately replied with relationships, daily phone calls, and reaching out to his prospects, especially through face to face communication and active listening. Ron notes that while social media is important, it’s also a double edged sword. 93% of the essential parts of how we communicate, per an FBI study in the 1970s and 1980s, never come through with the use of technology.  Lastly, they discuss Ron’s new book, Power Broker: How to Succeed In Life And Business. This is an essential mindset book for any broker on how to attack everyday, especially if you’re feeling stuck, questioning what to do, or are plateaued. It details 9 skills that Ron believes are essential for making people successful. You can find Ron’s book on Amazon, Audible or at Note: These highlights are designed to provide an overview of this episode’s content. Listeners are encouraged to tune in to the full episode for a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered. At the Massimo Group we have 15 years of experience helping the most dedicated brokers, like you, build the CRE business and life they have always desired. If you’d like to learn more visit
E 92: Jerry Anderson - Surviving Inflection Points in CRE Brokerage
E 92: Jerry Anderson - Surviving Inflection Points in CRE Brokerage
On this episode of the Massimo Show Rod sits down with one of his mentors, Jerry Anderson, a veteran in the commercial real estate brokerage industry with over 50 years of experience. Jerry, currently a Corporate Advisor for eXp Commercial, has successfully run two international brokerage companies and is a pioneer in single point of contact and master franchise brokerage models.  Jerry has succeeded and thrived through at least four economic downturns, otherwise known as inflection points in brokerage, throughout his career, so Rod begins the podcast by asking him about the current state of the market and how it differs from previous downturns he’s experienced. At first glance, Jerry thought this downturn was similar to the 2008 financial crisis, but after watching some activity over the past few months, he said there are several differences, especially where things are heating up in the financial/lending industry, and “not in a good way.”  Jerry elaborates that the central dilemma for US brokers right now is that “Interest rate percentages have really been very, very low, in my opinion, for way too long. We have to reset all that. We have to get people accustomed to higher interest rates. If you own a property…at 3% or 4%, [we have to ask] why would you want to sell?... [and advise] All you're going to do is pay capital gains tax, move on, and have a higher interest rate.” Jerry also points out that interest rates used to be higher, he remembers he “was pretty happy when interest rates [used to be] 12% and I was making money as a broker at 12%.”  With Jerry’s lengthy expertise, Rod asks what advice he would give to brokers saying there’s no velocity in the current market and there’s “nothing I can do.” Jerry suggests that interest rates are relative, brokers have “had it pretty easy for the last 10 years… the habits they gave up, they're going to have to reinsert… You have to be an advisor in this marketplace more than ever before because people don't need you… you have to help them figure out what they do need.” “It's a beautiful time for you as a broker to make calls and say, let me share with you what's happening because we have our thumb on the heartbeat of the market.” Jerry continues to explain that brokers have to refocus, understand where the market is and its impacts, and share that knowledge and awareness with property owners and buyers to put them “in a position to be successful…” Rod further emphasizes Jerry’s points by adding that The Massimo Group encourages our clients to be an authority in the market versus a commodity, an advisor versus a facilitator. “...This is not a time to take your foot off the pedal. This is the time to jam that pedal to the floor [with] more calls, more effort, more work if you want to just maintain a sliver of market share…” Lastly, Rod enquires what Jerry feels are some of the greatest inflection points in brokerage history that have changed the way brokers work. Jerry recalled the Tax Reform Act of 1986, technology, particularly software and the internet, and the structure of brokerage companies. Jerry briefly discusses his white paper The Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Industry Is Broken For Both Brokers and Associates. Rod postulates if he feels brokerage was broken back then and it still is today, how can we fix it? Jerry details the strengths and weaknesses of some prior brokerage models, from the small shop to national and international brokerage companies, franchises, and now virtual models. Jerry believes the current model that eXp is experimenting with is the closest to having it figured out.  Note: These highlights are designed to provide an overview of this episode’s content. Listeners are encouraged to tune in to the full episode for a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered. At the Massimo Group we have 15 years of experience helping the most dedicated brokers, like you, build the CRE business and life they have always desired. If you’d like to learn more visit
E 91: Bobbie Mastracci - Secrets to Success In CRE
E 91: Bobbie Mastracci - Secrets to Success In CRE
On this episode of the Massimo Show Rod sits down with Bobbie Mastracci, CCIM, SIOR and Principal of Phoenix West Commercial, LLC, also known as the “Go To Broker” for the West Valley of Phoenix Metro. Bobbie is a successful real estate broker and Massimo coach with 20 years of CRE experience. She works with corporate and small business clients, both locally and nationally, and prides herself on her faith, dedication, and ability to deliver unmatched customer service. Bobby shares her journey from her first job in high school, to being a hair color platform artist, and then entering the world of commercial real estate. Not to mention relocating from Pennsylvania to Arizona. She discusses the importance of education, setting goals, and having a strong work ethic.  Bobby also addresses the misconception that it is harder for women to succeed in commercial real estate and emphasizes the importance of faith, discipline, persistence, and consistency to achieve success. Bobby advises, to those considering a career change, to be prepared for a slow start and to find a mentor or coach to guide them. She also talks about the benefits of embracing technology, including AI, in the industry. Overall, she encourages listeners to have a positive mindset, seek opportunities, and take action to achieve their goals. At the Massimo Group we have 15 years of experience helping the most dedicated brokers, like you, build the CRE business and life they have always desired. If you’d like to learn more visit Note: These highlights are designed to provide an overview of this episode’s content. Listeners are encouraged to tune in to the full episode for a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered.
E 90: Rich Vaaler - Tertiary Treasure
E 90: Rich Vaaler - Tertiary Treasure
On this episode of the Massimo Show Rod sits down with Rich Vaaler of Vaaler Commercial Real Estate, a commercial real estate broker with 43 years of experience. Rich has owned, managed, and developed property throughout his career, a facet that the typical broker may not have to share with their clients. It gives him a perspective to help his clients, especially older people, streamline their portfolio/assets and get rid of the complicated ones to transition into simplified properties. He loves what he does and he’s always trying to get better, always trying to learn more to help his clients. Rich emphasizes the importance of being good at what you do, finding a niche, and constantly learning and improving. Rich also highlights the significance of having a supportive spouse and the role of AI in his business, particularly in writing content and analyzing data. He encourages brokers to focus on their specific market and consistently work on prospecting and building relationships. Rich concludes the podcast by expressing his gratitude for the coaching he has received at The Massimo Group and the positive impact it has had on his life and business. At the Massimo Group we have 15 years of experience helping the most dedicated brokers, like you, build the CRE business and life they have always desired. If you’d like to learn more visit Note: These highlights are designed to provide an overview of this episode’s content. Listeners are encouraged to tune in to the full episode for a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered.
E 89: Dominators Of Commercial Real Estate Brokerage
E 89: Dominators Of Commercial Real Estate Brokerage
On this Special Episode of the Massimo Show Host Rod Santomassimo is joined by 3 guests who are all highly successful and influential figures in the commercial real estate industry: Ken Ashley, Executive Director and Chairman for Cushman & Wakefield's Tenant Advisory Group; Brad Ahrens, President of Concord Development Partners; and Bob Knakal, Head of New York Private Capital Group- JLL. They delve into various aspects of commercial real estate, centering the conversation around their experiences, insights, and strategies that have contributed to their success as top producers. They each offer valuable insights and expert advice taken from and highlighting the information found in Rod's new book, Dominators of Commercial Real Estate Brokerage. Our podcast begins with an introduction to today's objective: sharing clarity in the chaos that's forming in this market downturn, sharing approaches every broker should be thinking about and considering, and tactics that have worked in the past and continue to generate results, to help us all get through this part of the market cycle.  Ken Ashley shares his journey in commercial real estate and his passion for solving complex real estate problems, emphasizing that the market is always evolving. The discussion moves on to the current state of the office market and how office tenant reps can thrive. Ken highlights the need for adaptation and the changing dynamics of office spaces post-pandemic. He urges tenant reps to focus on building relationships, marketing their brand effectively, and adopting a strategic approach to business development using the A, B, C system. Brad Ahrens then shares his experiences in managing active projects during the pandemic and how his team adapted to mitigate risks. He discusses the importance of automation, outsourcing, and integrating technology to streamline processes and manage deal flow, leading to increased efficiency and faster decision-making. Overall, allowing him to optimize operations.  The podcast conversation then shifts to social media and its impact on the commercial real estate industry. Ken Ashley emphasizes that social media is a powerful platform to spread one's brand and message, but it requires focus and intentionality. He encourages professionals to adopt a thoughtful approach and provide valuable content to stand out in a crowded digital landscape. Our guest speakers also explore their tech stacks, communication preferences, and the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and its role in the industry. They agree and emphasize the importance of using technology effectively to streamline processes and improve productivity, but caution that while technology and AI offers many benefits, the human element will always be crucial in commercial real estate. It's the ability to connect, build relationships, and provide personalized expertise that sets professionals apart in this industry. Next, Bob Knakal, a veteran with 39 years of experience in the New York real estate market, gives a quick introduction to himself and his remarkable achievements in the industry. He then talks about his recent project during the pandemic, where he personally inspected and documented every building under construction in Manhattan, creating a comprehensive and accurate database that sets him apart in the market. Brad Ahrens, who transitioned from brokerage to real estate investment, discusses the differences between representing investors as a broker and understanding investment deals as an investor. He emphasizes the significance of quantifying information to provide clients with data-backed insights, leading to faster decision-making and building trust. Ken Ashley highlights the importance of emotional and tactical listening in building trust and strong relationships with clients. He stresses the value of being genuinely interested in others, actively listening, and being confident in oneself while showing vulnerability. Finally, our podcast concludes with our guests sharing their reasons for remaining passionate and dedicated to the industry, ranging from enjoying the business challenges to wanting to change the world. Leaving us with the idea of embracing an abundance mentality and giving back to the community. They also emphasize the significance of mentorship, surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals, and always striving for growth and improvement in the commercial real estate industry. Overall, this episode provides valuable insights and lessons from highly successful professionals, giving listeners actionable strategies and a glimpse into the mindset needed to navigate challenges, make informed decisions, continuously evolve and stay relevant, and excel in the world of commercial real estate brokerage and investment. All of this making this episode a must-listen for industry professionals. Note: These highlights of the key points discussed in the podcast are designed to provide an overview of the episode's content. Listeners are encouraged to tune in to the full episode for a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered.
E 88: Rod Santomassimo- What Hard Feels Like
E 88: Rod Santomassimo- What Hard Feels Like
On this episode of the Massimo Show Rod talks about what hard feels like, especially when it comes to commercial real estate brokerage and how to handle it in the current markets. Rod thought it'd be important to address something that's going on right now, the market is shifting and we're seeing less velocity, more challenges than we have before, inflation, increasing interest rates and even bank solvency. It's a fact that you have to work 10 times as hard to produce maybe half the results. Every transaction becomes a fight as the speed of transactions declines, even though you're putting in more time, energy, and even strategic thought. Those benefits may seem like they're dwindling. This is the harsh reality of the current market that we're all working in in trying times.   However, don't forget, this also represents a chance for business development, personal development, resilience, and yes, invention. It's the examination of your fortitude, adaptability, and perseverance. It could feel like you're running in place while exerting more effort than ever, but keep in mind, this does not indicate that you've failed. Even the most seasoned brokers must overcome this issue because it's a reflection of the market. It's not a reflection of you.   How you react to this market is within your control. Let these trying times spur your development, creativity and innovation. Be proactive in looking for new opportunities and innovative ways to answer the problems that you and your clients are encountering. Encourage yourself to learn more about the market, hone in on a specific subject matter and grow your expertise, or forge closer bonds with some of those prospects and clients you've worked with. Put extra emphasis and attention on developing relationships with your clients and giving them outstanding service.    Yes, this is what hard feels like, however, it's also what growth feels like. It's how resilience feels. It's how creativity feels. So accept the challenge, adjust and invent, and keep in mind that this tide is going to eventually shift, and when it does, you'll be better equipped to take advantage of the opportunities because you'll be stronger and wiser. Always remember that in commercial real estate, the market's difficulties are not an accurate representation of your skills. Use this time as a chance to show your resilience, adaptability, and steadfast dedication to your clients, to your craft, and to yourself. So keep moving forward with new ideas and demonstrating that you can succeed in even the most difficult markets.
E 84: James Nelson- The Insiders Edge to Real Estate Investing
E 84: James Nelson- The Insiders Edge to Real Estate Investing
On this episode of the Massimo Show Rod sits down with one of the CRE top producers in North America, James Nelson. Now an author as well as being a speaker, investor, amazing broker and long time Massimo member, James is principal and head of Tri-State Investments at Averson Young. With the launch of James' new book, The Insiders Edge to Real Estate Investing, Rod opens by asking why brokers don't also invest in commercial real estate? Does he see that as a conflict or should they be investing? James astutely remarks on the ethical issues and potential conflicts of being a broker and investor. He personally operates with the beliefs that reputation is everything, full or over disclosure is key and don't invest in an opportunity that you're listing or selling as a broker. Next, Rod explores why James chose to invest in commercial real estate versus other avenues, such as the stock market. James responds by sharing his passion for the business and his desire to aquire all the knowledge he can on the frontlines as a broker. He then postulates, "Why wouldn't you take your expertise and knowledge and parlay that into an investment? Why would we not practice what we preach" about the benefits of buying and long term wealth creation? There are many inefficiencies in real estate, you can use that as opportunities that you just won't see in the public markets. James continues to share that this is a big part of how he came to his book's title, The Insiders Edge to Real Estate Investing, as this insight, or edge, is "one of the main benefits of real estate" investing. His book details that "you can gain the insiders edge to outperform in the market." Whereas with the stock market, everyone has the same information available to them. Rod and James go on to discuss how he got his start as an invester 20 years ago, the main deltas on how a professional investor views a deal versus a broker, tips for how to get started in investing with "sweat equity," and what the ideal investment team looks like. James provides a host of information in his book about "having the right specialists" and how "This is the business that's all about having the right people." With the assistance of James' writing team, he also wrote about how to bring on a well trusted partner for your first investment and the significant differences, with respect to both risk and reward, between a general partner, co-general partner, and limited partners. Lastly, and a big part of the book, James reviews "the most important attribute for a great opportunity, seller's motivation." To close out their podcast, Rod gets James' thoughts, from his broker perspective, for what he sees as opportunities in the market for 2023 and how he's able to find the time to do so many things.  If you'd like to find James' podcast or more information about his book, published by McGraw HIll, The Insiders Edge to Real Estate Investing, go to
E 82: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Robbie Baty - "For the Love of the Game"
E 82: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Robbie Baty - "For the Love of the Game"
On this Special Episode of the Massimo Show with Rod Santomassimo featuring Guest Speakers for MassimoCon: Rod interviews Robbie Baty, Executive Managing Director at Cushman Wakefield’s Dallas-Fort Worth office. He’s the Office Tenant Representation Leader. Robbie has helped companies with their headquarters locations for the last 15 years. He specializes in representing office tenants, ranging in size from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies, in site selection, lease and purchase negotiations, build-to-suits and municipal incentives negotiations. Over his career, he has distinguished himself as one of the top tenant representatives in the North Texas market. A key takeaway from this talk with Robbie: It doesn’t matter if the market is up or down, tenants are always going to be looking for space. Find out more about Robbie Baty and his career as a world-class tenant rep here: At The Blueprint to Dominate CRE in 2023 Broker Event, Robbie will share just what you need to do differentiate yourself in any market. If you want to hear it all, you have to come to MassimoCon this November!   About MassimoCon: The Premier Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Event…ever! What you’ll get: 🔑 11 Speakers 🔑 9– 7&8 Figure Producers 🔑 All service sectors represented 🔑 All product types represented 🔑 2 High-End Key Notes Plus many other surprises!  GUARANTEED to be High Impact for the serious Commercial Real Estate Professional. A limited amount of public tickets are currently available. Secure your seat now. Find out more here: Let's Move Forward! Rod Santomassimo, Founder and President, The Massimo Group
E 81: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Bob Knakal - "The Knak of It"
E 81: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Bob Knakal - "The Knak of It"
On this Special Episode of the Massimo Show with Rod Santomassimo featuring Guest Speakers for MassimoCon: Rod interviews Bob Knakal, Chairman of New York City Investment Sales for JLL.  Bob is one of the most successful investment brokers in the world. His record of success includes closing on over $20.4 billion in sales, selling his former brokerage company for a reported $100 million, and being the recipient of more awards and recognition than we could possibly list. He’s aiming to sell his 2222nd building in 2022. A key takeaway from this talk with Bob: Being a market leader and knowing the market inside and out will propel you to success. Find out more about Bob Knakal and his extraordinary Commercial Real Estate Career here: At The Blueprint to Dominate CRE in 2023 Broker Event, Bob will outline exactly how he keeps his fingers on the pulse of the NYC real estate market and then leverages this data to retain his authority position. About MassimoCon: The Premier Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Event…ever! What you’ll get: 🔑 11 Speakers 🔑 9– 7&8 Figure Producers 🔑 All service sectors represented 🔑 All product types represented 🔑 2 High-End Key Notes Plus many other surprises!  GUARANTEED to be High Impact for the serious Commercial Real Estate Professional. A limited amount of public tickets are currently available. Secure your seat now. Find out more here: Let's Move Forward! Rod Santomassimo, Founder and President, The Massimo Group
E 80: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Matt McGregor - "The Art of Leveraging & Collaborating"
E 80: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Matt McGregor - "The Art of Leveraging & Collaborating"
In this Special Episode of the Massimo Show: Rod interviews Matt McGregor, Executive Director and Corporate Real Estate Strategist for Colliers. Matt will be one of the featured speakers at the “BUILD A CUSTOMIZED BLUEPRINT TO DOMINATE CRE IN 2023,” Event November 2 and 3, 2022 in Dallas, TX. Matt McGregor is Executive Director and Corporate Real Estate Strategist for Colliers and is one of the most recognized and awarded supply chain / logistic brokers in the county, working with some of the most prestigious companies in the world. Real Estate Forum’s Top Industrial Broker for 2017, a SIOR advisor of the year in 2019, Matt earned his Master of Science in Supply Chain from Michigan State University as well as a Logistics and Transportation certificate from Georgia Tech. Matt specializes in the representation of industrial tenants and landlords in the Seattle area and is a market leader in the dispositions and acquisitions of both owner/user and investment sales. Matt has developed long-term relationships with many clients due to his extensive knowledge of the market and his dedication, professionalism, and commitment to his clients.  Matt will share his team’s 7-Step Prospecting Pursuit Process as well as demonstrate elements of the Technology-Based Marketing Program.  Find out more about Matt McGregor here: About MassimoCon: The Premier Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Event…Ever! What you’ll get: • 12 Amazing Speakers • 2 High-End Key Notes • 8 – 7&8 Figure Producers • All Service Sectors Represented • All Product Types Represented • Plus many other surprises and GUARANTEED to be High Impact! Individual tickets, as well as tickets for private tables, and premier private booths are available. This is one commercial real estate broker/agent conference you won’t want to miss! Secure your seat here:  Let's Move Forward!
E 79: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Kim Ford - "Thinking Outside the Box"
E 79: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Kim Ford - "Thinking Outside the Box"
In this Special Episode of the Massimo Show, featuring Speaking Guests for MassimoCon, Rod interviews Kim Ford, CEO of Rise Pittsburgh. Kim will be one of the featured speakers at the “BUILD A CUSTOMIZED BLUEPRINT TO DOMINATE CRE IN 2023,” Event November 2 and 3, 2022 in Dallas, TX.   Kim is a 25-year CRE veteran exclusively representing businesses/tenants, never landlords, in Pittsburgh, and over 200 U.S. markets. Kim has never stopped searching for success and does the same for each and every one of her clients through her 20+ years of experience, market expertise, transparency and strategic positioning.   Kim, who is also an FAA, Licensed Unmanned Aircraft Pilot & a writer, speaks in many cities across the country and volunteers at the Carnegie Mellon University Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship to mentor entrepreneurs in the Real Estate and Technology industries. Kim will be speaking about how to grow your Commercial Real Estate business by thinking outside of the box.   You can learn more about Kim here:   About MassimoCon: The Premier Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Event...Ever! What you’ll get: • 12 Amazing Speakers • 2 High-End Key Notes • 10 – 7&8 Figure Producers • All Service Sectors Represented • All Product Types Represented • Plus many other surprises and GUARANTEED to be High Impact!   Individual tickets, as well as tickets for private tables, and premier private booths are available.   This is one commercial real estate broker/agent conference you won’t want to miss!   Secure your seat here: registration/
E 78: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker David Dirkschneider - "A Client for Life"
E 78: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker David Dirkschneider - "A Client for Life"
In this Special Episode of the Massimo Show, featuring Speaking Guests for MassimoCon, Rod interviews Managing Director for Capstone in Oklahoma City, OK. David will be one of the featured speakers at the “BUILD A CUSTOMIZED BLUEPRINT TO DOMINATE CRE IN 2023,” Event November 2 and 3, 2022 in Dallas, TX. David has over 15 years in the real estate industry, specializing exclusively in the brokerage of multifamily housing projects and multifamily site selection. From being named “Rookie of the Year” in 2007 through today, David has personally been involved in multifamily and land transactions totaling more than $1 billion throughout Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, and Missouri. David is a seven figure producer and is 'The Guy' in Oklahoma City for multifamily. When asked, David stated his 3 pillars for success are: offering his clients extensive market knowledge, "I truly think there's nobody in Oklahoma that knows the apartment market better than I do... I know the market inside and out and my client's love that... I can tell them [things] other people don't even know."; hustle and dedication to building his business; and, building relationships with your clients, "We're big believers in a client for Life." David goes beyond the inactive client, his clients are truly part of his life. As such, they've been able to put their trust in David, knowing he can consistently provide them with the results they expect. At The Blueprint to Dominate CRE in 2023 Broker Event, David will share how you can create “Clients for Life.” You can learn more about David here: About MassimoCon: The Premier Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Event…Ever! What you’ll get: 12 Speakers10 – 7&8 Figure ProducersAll service sectors representedAll product types represented2 High-End Key NotesPlus many other surprises.It's GUARANTEED to be High Impact for the serious Commercial Real Estate Professional. Individual tickets, as well as tickets for private tables, and premier private booths are available. Secure your seat here: This is one commercial real estate broker/agent conference you won’t want to miss!
E 77: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Carrie Wilkerson - "Someday"
E 77: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Carrie Wilkerson - "Someday"
On this Special Episode of the Massimo Show, featuring Speaking Guests for MassimoCon, Rod interviews best selling author and motivational speaker, Carrie Wilkerson. Carrie will be one of the featured speakers at the “BUILD A CUSTOMIZED BLUEPRINT TO DOMINATE CRE IN 2023,” Event November 2 and 3, 2022 in Dallas, TX. Carrie has been featured on CNN and Fox Business News, in Success and Entrepreneur magazines and named by Forbes as a top small business influencer. She's consulted with Google  and other business thought leaders on growth strategies, productivity and current trends. Carrie usually only speaks at events with massive attendance, but we got her to speak at MassimoCon!  Consistent with Massimo’s mission of having their client’s build the business and life they desire; At The Blueprint to Dominate CRE in 2023 Broker Event, Carrie will present a proven approach for achieving all your personal and professional goals. She loves showing people how to transform their lives, bodies, relationships and bank accounts. A kew takeaway from this talk with Carrie: She's never seen a calendar with "Someday" on it. Whether you tune in for her tough-love, her hysterical no-filters humor or her big-as-Texas heart, she’ll inspire you and help you make a plan to be more productive and more profitable, without sacrificing your priorities. Find out more about Carrie Wilkerson here: About MassimoCon: The Premier Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Event…ever! What you’ll get: 12 Speakers10 – 7&8 Figure ProducersAll service sectors representedAll product types represented2 High-End Key NotesPlus many other surprises.It's GUARANTEED to be High Impact for the serious Commercial Real Estate Professional. A limited amount of public tickets are currently available. Secure your seat now! Find out more here: This is one commercial real estate broker/agent conference you won’t want to miss!
E 76: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Allen Buchanan - "Levers To Success"
E 76: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Allen Buchanan - "Levers To Success"
On this Special Episode of the Massimo Show, featuring Speaking Guests for MassimoCon, Rod interviews Allen Buchanan, SIOR of Lee & Associates Orange out of Southern California. Allen will be one of the featured speakers at the “BUILD A CUSTOMIZED BLUEPRINT TO DOMINATE CRE IN 2023,” Event November 2 and 3, 2022 in Dallas, TX. Allen has spent his real estate career in the industrial arena in North Orange and West Riverside County. His specialties include user representation, owner representation, and investment sales. Allen has continually been recognized as a Top Five Producer of the Orange office over the last 32 years and has mastered the art of  prospecting, allowing him to retain his top producer position. At The Blueprint to Dominate CRE in 2023 Broker Event, Allen will share exactly what he says to secure meetings, along with the plan he has when he meets with prospects helping him achieve an impressive meet to listing conversion ratio. Find out what Allen’s “Levers to Success” are in this special podcast episode. You can learn more about Allen here: About MassimoCon: The Premier Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Event...Ever!  What you’ll get: 12 Amazing Speakers 2 High-End Key Notes10 - 7&8 Figure ProducersAll Service Sectors RepresentedAll Product Types RepresentedPlus many other surprises and GUARANTEED to be High Impact Individual tickets, as well as tickets for private tables, and premier private booths are available. This is one commercial real estate broker/agent conference you won’t want to miss! Secure your seat here:
E 75: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Beth Azor - "Just Do It"
E 75: 2022 MassimoCon Speaker Beth Azor - "Just Do It"
On this Special Episode of the Massimo Show, featuring Speaking Guests for MassimoCon, Rod interviews The Canvassing Queen® Beth Azor. Beth will be one of the featured speakers at the “BUILD A CUSTOMIZED BLUEPRINT TO DOMINATE CRE IN 2023,” Event November 2 and 3, 2022 in Dallas, TX. Affectionately known as 'The Canvassing Queen™’ Beth Azor is the founder and owner of Azor Advisory Services (AAS), a leading commercial real estate advisory and investment firm based in Southeast Florida. As its principal, Beth currently owns and manages six shopping centers in Florida and travels the country consulting with, brokering deals for and training associates in the commercial real estate industry. A partial list of Beth’s clients include Phillips Edison & Co., Brixmor Properties, The Shopping Center Group, Urban Edge Development and DLC Management Group. Prior to founding AAS, Beth was the President of Terranova Florida's largest 3rd party asset manager. Beth also has over thirty years of experience in managing, developing, redeveloping and teaching commercial real estate leasing agents all over the country. She has taken it upon herself to guide budding and established retail real estate agents to conquer the market by offering commercial real estate training courses and workshops. Her canvassing workshops are legendary! Learn more about Beth here: & About MassimoCon: The Premier Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Event…ever! What you’ll get: 12 Speakers10 - 7&8 Figure ProducersAll service sectors representedAll product types represented2 High-End Key NotesPlus many other surprises and GUARANTEED to be High Impact Individual tickets, as well as tickets for private tables, and premier private booths are available. This is one commercial real estate broker/agent conference you won't want to miss! Find out more here: