The Key Factor #022 - Silo Finance


19-05-2023 • 27 mins

In this episode of The Key Factor, we'll be talking with one of our partners,⁠ Silo Finance.

Silo Finance is a decentralized finance protocol that enables permissionless and risk-isolated lending markets. Silo employs a segregated-pool strategy wherein each token asset has its dedicated lending market paired with ETH and Silo's collateralized stablecoin XAI. This ensures that lenders are solely exposed to the risk of ETH and XAI. Moreover, by associating all tokens with ETH or XAI, Silo avoids fragmented liquidity and enhances protocol efficiency. Unlike pure lending pair models, where each new pairing necessitates a separate market, Silo maintains a single market for every token asset.

⁠⁠Factor ⁠⁠acts as the backbone of the DeFi hyperstructure, integrating various protocols, services, and users through secure, interoperable, and scalable liquidity management. As a middleware hub, Factor enables seamless transfer of assets and efficient liquidity management across the decentralized finance ecosystem.


Silo Finance Website:

Factor Website: