375: Strength vs. Comfort

School of Self-Image

07-02-2024 • 19 mins

Comfort vs. Strength: Creating a Life of Fulfillment

The importance of finding a balance between comfort and strength in order to live a fulfilling and adventurous life is the focus on  this  episode of School of Self-Image with host Tonya Leigh. She emphasizes that while comfort can be enjoyable, too much of it can prevent us from pursuing our dreams. On the other hand, strength is necessary for personal growth and achieving our goals. Leigh encourages listeners to embrace discomfort and take small brave steps outside of their comfort zones. She also highlights the importance of mindfulness and self-compassion in navigating the balance between comfort and strength. Ultimately, she suggests that true fulfillment comes from embracing both comfort and strength in our lives.


Episode Details:

00:22 Finding balance between comfort and adventure

07:25 There's low risk with comfort

09:43 Leisurely hustling

12:47 Setting extraordinary goals

17:04 A beautiful waltz of comfort and strength


"Find a balance between rest and restlessness. Find a balance between the life you dream of and the life you live."

"Strength is that inner knowing that you've got your own back, that you are going to do what you say you're going to do, that you're going to handle the obstacles that come your way, that you're going to have courage."

"True pleasure is the absence of pain."

"There's something beautiful about seeing what you're made of"

"A life that's built from both comfort and strength, because ultimately true fulfillment lies not in choosing one over the other, but in mastering the art of embracing both."

Useful Resources:

Connect with Master Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh: